Cardboard Challenge

This weekends ‘challenge’ was to create something 3D out of something stiff and flat.  We had to make a 10in sphere out of cardboard.  This ‘sphere’ didn’t have to be completely enclosed, just enough so that when you look at it, you know that it’s still a sphere.  I wanted to give mine sort of twisting spiral effect because I really like radial things.  I also wanted to stray away from just going with a basic X-Y-Z axis and calling it good, but I also needed to keep it semi simple because I didn’t have a lot of time.  While I still sort of have an X-Y axis I feel like it also doesn’t because of the way it twists.  Another thing I like about mine is that depending on how you look at it, it can appear really full and complete, or very open when looking more at the axis.  I was able to make this out of 2 circles.  Here is mine!

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