Tag Archives: Matches

Just how do bubbles convert to matches?

So, my original plan was to go with my online generator game and what I ended up from that was to create a giraffe lamp out of matches.  This ended up being a million times easier said then done. After a lot trial all being followed by error, I decided to take another look at my bubbles.  I also now had a few thousand matches on hand decided that whatever I was going to do, it was going to involve matches.  I took the matches and started gluing them together to follow the arches of some of the more prominent bubbles.


I then had a friend draw some straight lines on top of the bubbles, connecting points that they saw.  This sort of turned out to look like a map of the constellations.  I began to now link the matches all together in these patterns.




This task became a lot more time consuming then I thought it would have been.  But, that is the way that art is!