My thoughts on fire.

Over all, this last project just kept giving me grief and I got to the point where I just wanted to finish it.  My original idea was to use my online generator game which lead me to creating a giraffe morphing into a lamp, out of matches.  I had this awesome idea in my head as to how this was going to look in the end and I was super excited for it.  But the first problem came was gluing the matches together and time it took for them to dry.  It was just taking way too long and I couldn’t just sit there holding pieces while they dried so that I could glue the next few pieces on and do the same thing.  This would have taken more than a week, I can promise you that.  This led me to go back to my bubble page and come up with something from that.  I had folded that page up and stuck in my pile to go home and be filed away.  (lesson learned: don’t fold it, you may actually need it)  I had someone connect the dots and find shapes and to just outline prominent things in the bubbles.  I glued matches together in sets of 5 and then glued the sets to match up with the full bubbles and now outlined shapes.  I guess I would have outlined the bubbles I used in marker like the shapes were, but I didn’t because had I done that, you wouldn’t seen their outline, it would have looked like I just drew a circle in there.  Overall, I should have redone this step on a fresh sheet of paper and found a way to make the bubbles darker than what I had.  When I had this set up, I left it in the foil because I was thinking along the lines of the matches now being dead, burned, and in their final resting place.  I guess for the idea of this project, it would have been presented better if I had placed those final pieces on the bubble paper so that one could better make the connection of where my patterns came from.  If I were to ever redo this project and have it in an actual gallery, I would redo the bubbles, making them darker and have the burned matches laid out on their shape from that paper.  Then, on a wall behind them, I would have the video playing on loop with headphones attached because I’m sure not everyone would want to hear that alarm on repeat!
It was suggested in class that I should have burned the matches on the bubble paper, but I disagree.  There is no way that the paper would not have caught fire too.  I didn’t light my project up outside because that felt out place to me.  It was also really windy that day.  My other reason was that we have granite counters at home and I always love when its someones birthday and I can see the reflection that the candles make in the granite, I wanted to have that in my video too.  With this being done in doors, there was no way I was going to light more than what was necessary on fire.  I really didn’t want to risk burning the whole place down.
With that being said, No more dwelling on the ‘should-a, would-a, could-a’s’, and just enjoy the fire because I finally got that up!   🙂

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