There is a reason why these bubbles were clearanced

Trial and error right?  So, I had bought a bottle of bubbles from the clearance shelf.  They were on that shelf for a reason apparently, and that reason was the ratio of water to soap was a little off.  I must have been 1000:1.  Needless to say, I added some soap.  That helped a little, but I’m sure real bubble would have worked better.   After some tries, I realized the marks just weren’t showing up how I wished they would.   I added some ink to the bubbles, and as you can see in this first picture, that helped.




Here is after more bubble blowing.  The ink really helped them show up better.  I then added in the rest of my ink to make them even darker.


This is the final picture. I wasn’t too satisfied overall.  I thought I would have more spots were the bubble stuck to the paper and would leave rings.  Most of them burst upon the slightest contact with the paper leaving splatter marks.  While this remind me of the night sky in the country (which made me happy) I am not seeing images in here like I thought.  On the last panel I. Wanted to see what it would look like if I just took the bubble want and smacked the paper.  It still wasn’t what I was looking for.  I am deciding that this idea was more of an error.


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